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Things to Know About Breast Cancer Ribbons

Breast cancer ribbons have been moving around so much that just about everyone knows about them. These small symbols that represent hope against cancer, for those that do not know what breast cancer ribbons are. Breast cancer ribbons are just one of many ribbons out there that represent the different types of cancer. The most common is the breast cancer ribbons represented with the colour pink, but some of you may have noticed different colour ribbons. You might also seen breast cancer ribbons with little pendants on them. Well here are some things you can learn about breast cancer ribbons and other cancer ribbons available.

There color of a ribbon represents the type of cancer one is supporting. As we said above pink is for breast cancer ribbons but there are colours for every kind of cancer out there. Check our full section of The Many Colours of Cancer for a detailed list of what colour represent what kind of cancer you are supporting. This will help you understand the ribbons better so next time when you see people wear different colour ribbons you wont say something like “Oh those are great breast cancer ribbons”.

The breast cancer ribbons can come in many different materials. Some are mad up ofsmall fabric breast cancer ribbons that can pin onto clothes others may purchase a sticker they can put on the back of their car. Both ways of showing off breast cancer ribbons is a great way to get exposure and donations towards finding a cure. There are some that go the extra mile and purchase breast cancer ribbons as jewelry for their loved ones or themselves. The breast cancer ribbons jewelry represents the love and support for someone that has been diagnosed with cancer.

Breast cancer ribbons are mostly plain but when you notice a second element on there it means it has a more in-depth meaning. As an example there are breast cancer ribbons with a little angel added to it, shows a message of love, hope and protection. This is most likely seen on a woman who is battling breast cancer therefore wear special breast cancer ribbons to feel more empowerment in the mind and soul. The angel is more of a feminine symbol therefore for the men they can wear a star on top of the breast cancer ribbons. Just like the angel this breast cancer ribbons with a star on it represent the message of hope for a loved one.

The breast cancer ribbons help everyone out there that is fighting with cancer. Breast cancer ribbons are also reminding the women that this is a potential threat to any of them and should never be taken lightly. The breast cancer ribbons and other merchandise proceeds go towards finding a cure for cancer.